About Generali

About Generali

Generali Life is a subsidiary of the Generali Group and operates under license in the name of Insurance Life Generali.

Generali has defined business strategy is clear: focus on the distribution of inter-enterprise (business to business), building a balanced, long-term partnerships with financial institutions and public distribution, providing innovative products and superior value-added services to customers, as well as being a major player in the life insurance industry in the world.

Since its establishment until now Generali has grown rapidly, pushing the Group's global network and expertise in the insurance customer relationships globally and locally, and build the required technology and infrastructure for corporations that are important for future expansion.

Generali is one of the leading companies in global financial markets and insurance. Parent company and the principals of this group is Assicurazioni Generali, which leads the market in Italy. Since first established in 1831 in Trieste, the Company has had an international orientation.  
With the support of 85.000 employees, the Generali Group has more than 70 million clients worldwide and operates in 68 countries.

Company's main operating area is Western Europe, but in recent years the Group has entered the markets of Central and Eastern Europe, and established offices in key markets in Asia.  
Strength and financial solidity has always been a feature of Assicurazioni Generali.

 With a strong capital base and conservative asset allocation, Group get a high ranking of international firms. Generali Group is a leading international asset manager with assets under management total more than € 400 billion.

Generali is a key player in Central Europe, the largest life insurance and with a significant presence in all major countries. Generali ranks first in Italy and 19 largest companies in the world ranking in 2010 by "Fortune Global 500".  
With experience for almost 200 years, the Generali Group operates in all lines of insurance, the protection of the risk of advanced protection to bulk up to industry sectors, from simple household insurance to more complex needs of multinational companies around the world, serving millions of individuals and factory manufacturing giant, and transportation and communication systems.

 To serve retail customers, small and medium enterprises and large corporations, the Group reach clients around the world through multi-channel distribution strategy.  
Along with business diversification strategy, Generali also has focused on providing protection to individuals, to protect their revenue, and optimize their savings through life insurance products in the individual schemes and pension groups.

 Generali offers advanced solutions for multinational corporations through specialized structures called Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) or Assured Generali Employee, located in Brussels.